The Chronicler

palestine is a country that the white immigrants want to have control over so they're killing the local ethnics there by claiming to be morally superior when reality is just that they're stealing land. same as australia, south africa, usa etc
Vini's last 17 UCL knockout games: 16 G/A
You can call him a complainer and whatever you want. But the guy shows up in important games always.
He can, but (at least on Sporting's system and dynamics) he feels more confortable on the right side
lowkey the only reason we won that game, superb performance.
Lord Arteta has turned this guy into a freak
he MIGHT be him
84/88 really turned his career around
Palmer with 11 non pen goals is in the ballon dor and POTY from Chelsea fans. Kai has 11 non pen goals aswell, but he is a fraud and scammed us for 60 mil? Hahahhaha they are so clueless man
Elite CF
I would put him into a single category with Saul and Gimenez. Good players that never complained and gave everything for the club even when they could've left for better money or more prestigious clubs. None of them reached the potential they were expected to but still took crucial roles in Atleti and have many memorable moments. Not quite the face of the generation like Koke, Griezmann or Godin, Gabi, but by how diluted the term "club legend" is becoming now he is definitely a club legend.
Tried him at CDM in Aston Villa career mode andd he's the fucking goat, mf recovers every single ball
Realistic signings for next season?
Fuck mason greenwood, all my homies hate mason greenwood
Literally the first time he scores 4 in a row in the PL
I have the next big thing in my pants pal
Very conservative upgrade for a player who's been pretty consistently better than 81 OVR for half a season now.
By far the best RW in serie A, didnt Even deserve an 82? Really?
Fucking class shithouse to get those two sent off 😂😂
got 2 lazio players red carded although he did nothing wrong himself. lazio players were being stupid
He looks so submissive and breedable
In my CM, he's my next French striker at Milan. He's sooo good!
It's not saying much He can be a rotational player at best for a winning team
Pulisic been one of the best for Milan this season 😅
His son Jayden scored for Liverpool against Southampton
I'm interested in potentially doing a career mode with this club to take them back to premier league glory, however. I'm not sure what sort of signings to make. I've noticed that the club has signed a few scandinavian (and icelandic) players because of the manager. But what other type of profile do others players who have previously been signed to the club have? Do the scouts look for specific attributes, specific nations? Because the squad consists of mostly players from the UK, excluding the few scandinavians as mentioned before.
Thiago Motta, he fits our board's vision and the squad is already built in a way that'd suit him so there would be no need to make drastic changes, only upgrades to what we currently have, like a new ST and CDM.He has all the right conditions to succeed here. Our shirt is already calling for him:
I would like Motta as a coach, especially if Zirkzee is brought in. However, it would still be a gamble, certainly providing fewer guarantees than Conte (whom I wouldn't mind, even though the salary is high, and I don't appreciate his style despite its success). I am sure that if an coach like Italiano were to replace Pioli, it would be a downgrade compared to Pioli. Nevertheless, I continue to believe that the problems of this Milan cannot be entirely attributed to Pioli. We have been missing a CDM since we lost Kessie, and Pioli has certainly made mistakes in various games. However, this season, in addition to the usual mistakes by Pioli (the game against Inter, etc.), many points have been lost due to individual errors over which the coach has no control (Napoli, Lecce, Bologna, Newcastle, etc.)
Hakan, Donna, Kessie, Romagnoli, Bonaventura for free were all fumbles from the management. Most fans have just convinced themselves otherwise to not fall into deep depression. All managements have been awful at it. We'll see about RedBird.
Proof that you don t even watch Inter, he s a fuckin CDM why would it matter how many goals he s scored? That s a bonus if anything
Losing calhanoglu for free to Inter after never using him properly is fucking sad tbh, he’s more technical than all our midfielders combined
brahim was not this good at milan, he had a couple of great games like this here and there but wasn’t as consistent or good on the ball as he is with madrid, he’s for sure improved a lot under ancelotti with the freedom he has w players like vini and rodrygo instead of a bum like messias, also hakan was actually bad for us compared to you lol he looks like a completely different player for inter
The irony of Brahim Diaz was that he was actually good but never rated highly because Milan fans wanted to cling to the narrative that Hakan was bad. People could recognize that he couldn't quite fill the void left by Hakan, but couldn't admit that that was because Hakan was good, so they had to say that Brahim was bad. He was a bright spot on many occasions, and actually made a lot of clutch contributions in the title campaign and in the Champions league.
First football team to be featured on a kanye song
2 Ye songs actually
avatar curva sud could never
Go, go, go, go Head so good, she a honor roll She ride the dick like a carnival I done did the impossible Go, go, go, go
he is not what Sofifa users think he is. It's like funny to hate him? Even Chelsea fans, bruh Havertz gave you a Champions League and 70M€... i mean the harassment is beyond ridiculous right now.
ea moment lol
Damn,this boy is a beast.I think it is time to really push Trent into midfield and give bradley a chance to be a full time starter.
Trent in midfield him rb
No more of this Trent sideways right angled double pivot with a forward left overlap in an upfield diagonal tilt system. Trent play center Bradley play right back Football made simple
Sancho 1 game 1 assist Antony 15+ games 0 goals 0 assists But ten hag prefers antony💀💀💀
Good assist. But many bad passes to be honest. He needs time
Naaah. Serial bottler Kane and Sancho start cooking as soon as they enter the BuLi, but their fans will actually delude themselves into thinking it's a relevant league.
Nah I’m not sure people understand how much this means to me
Maybe ten Haag is the problem 🧐
Played 5 minutes for Dortmund and already clear of Antony
hope so, been ages.
Deadly duo with Facundo Buonanotte
Todibo and thuram united bound
Believe it or not but some clubs actually have a plan with players and Alonso convinced him to become even better in his system. I know thats hard to understand for premierleague clubs who just splash money on players without having an idea how to use them
I think Hakan is having the best time of his career so far. He desserves a lot of credit lately. 1- He accepted to limit his attacking duties (something he likes). He even played as LW in Milan. So its a lot of sacrifice for him to limit going forward. 2- He was fine with changing his position to CDM where he never played before. Some players refuse to play outside their favorite postions. 3- He is actually exceeding expectations! he is doing so well as a CDM. 4- He scored 11/11 penalties for Inter, an impressive record. I think he deserves better stats especially for DEF and PEN. PS: Free Palestine.
Never doubt the 🐐
Broja goat
Why is there a dozen of people commenting BS on this page? comparing him to weirdos or criticizing him? He is a WORLD CLASS defender there is no doubt about it. Not only is he a good defender, but he is actually a modern defender, an all-rounded player. Beside his defending abilities, he is a good dribbler, passer, crosser. People praise Gvardiol and Dias for being all-rounded, while Bastoni is even better at crossing and dribbling. He has on average 3-5 assists per season, WAY more than all Man City CBs who plays with 3 CBs like Inter. Im not saying he is better than anyone, not interested to compare the OVR to other players. But just be sensible, Bastoni today is one of the best in his position. Bastoni is the future of CB players. PS: Stop killing babies in Palestine.
Naa man. Kane is giving insane historic numbers, but bayern are second in the league atm after winning it 10 years straight, lost the german supercup and are out of the dfb pokal as well. Of course kane isn't at fault but the team hasn't really progressed from last year. Belli on the other hand has completely transformed us and we would be lost without him
If he gets suspended for what he said (no hate speech or anti semitism whatever) arab players around europe should go on strike honestly, this is literally authoritarianism