Aruarian Fenix

Will be an excellent addition to Villareal.
74/83 Debería salir desde hace tiempo de Alianza Lima. Lo mejor sería un equipo que juegue 4-3-3, la rompería como centrocampista delante del medio defensivo y un creativo como el que lo acompañe.
paolo guerreiro 70M paolinho guerrinho 200m paolo muller 50m paolo quispe 500k paolo sanchez 5m paolo suarez 40m pau guerri 9999999m
68/79 Pedri Quispe
I was born in Georgia. The better one, of course.
Most overrated player in serie a. Zaccangi, Dybala, Leao, even Felipe Anderson have been better attacking players.
looks at least 30
Facil 74/76
Good for him, an European wouldn't have the balls to act like this even if he thought like Kokcu
Of course he has every right to reject things he personally doesn't believe in, but that doesn't mean this is as black and white as many of you want it to be. It is perfectly okay to be religious and reject certain ideals of a society you live in. However, you will also have to deal with people calling you out for that. A society must tolerate all kinds of opinions, but never hatred and bigotry - neither racism, nor homophobia, nor anything else. If you don't agree with someone's choices, that is alright, but sexuality and skincolour are things you can not influence. If you dislike people for that, then you are a prick. You couldn't say 'I don't agree with your skincolour, I think it isn't normal', could you? We should however also understand that religion can have a huge influence on one's worldview, and if you get brought up in a certain way, you will inherit certain worldviews - for better or worse. No matter if you believe in any God or not, this must be taken into consideration. Now, his statement is believable and all, he doesn't have to vocally support the LGBTQ cause. That these armbands are virtue signaling is true. That corporations exploit any struggle for equality to earn money is also true. HOWEVER, that they raise awareness can not be disputed. And this is unfortunately still very much needed. I am pretty sure any reasonable person would agree to the idea of "live and let live". A person's sexuality is their business, and nobody else should have any controll over that. Now, the problem is, that a lot of people still try to. You all claim to be fed up by "propaganda" being "shoved down your throats" and such, but what does that even mean? The "propaganda" has exactly one case they try to make: LGTBQ people deserve equal rights. Their sexuality doesn't concern you. Nobody is forcing you to be gay or some made up bullshit some of you are saying, they are merely trying to push for the bare minimum: Equal respect. If you are against that, then yes, you are homophobe and a horrible person. That doesn't mean that Kökcü is. But in stating that it goes against his religion to support this, he is saying that he doesn't really support them, as he does actually still consider it "unnatural". If his religion is against equality, and he agrees with that, then that is actuallya problem. He probably won't attack anyone for who they are, but he is willing to stand by and watch as they are attacked. Homophobia kills thousand of people each year. Homosexuality is still outlawed in many backwards parts of the world, such as in Quatar - host nation of the upcoming world cup. Raising awareness for these issues is important - as these comments clearly show. The issue isn't that he doesn't want to be a public supporter or LGBTQ, the problem is the message that sends - as you can, again, clearly see by these comments and some of the people that immediately rallied to declare him their new hero. Many of them racist people who, just a week ago, would have treated him the same way they treat gays now - with hate and disgust, just because he isn't exactly like them.
People really still crying about this? Just because you don't support something, that doesn't mean that you hate them. People can have their own beliefs and opinions and in this case it's creating no harm so what's the problem
Central cumplidor a mi parecer. Está teniendo minutos en Sudamericana pero no me parece de lo más destacable. 67/77
Pensar que en el Barcelona lo menospreciaron. Hoy hace falta un defensor de su calidad. Porque de lenglet, pique y umtiti. No se hace un central bueno. Y porcierto merece más valoración mínimo un 83
Australia, haz lo tuyo
Me alegro por Suárez y Araújo, pero por favor, es mucho pedir dos autogoles el martes 😢😥
he visto peor nada de gore me afecta. I’m desensitized, humans are horrible people im not surprised when i see something like that anymore
No offense but this player is the most overhyped and overrated by Uzbek people. He isn't that average, good, or even perfect so they spam Roma's social media pages about playing him. No offense again.
cant blame him
Conocí a está joya para el modo carrera por los lloros de las feministas
Finishing is so low. 74/74 juega mejor que Roger y Henry
Si Lainez jugara en Perú sería leyenda y el mejor jugador de su historia
Igual son una mierda ambos. No serían titulares en ninguna selección Latinoamericana, salvo en Bolivia, tal vez
El mejor jugador de Perú no es peruano jajaja
You are better than Cornejo, come to Alianza and you will love Perú. Here you will be an Idol and why not our 1st 86 peruvian player rated.
We’re winning the next gold cup and nations league I just know it
shithousing their way to a world cup, you love to see it.
no hay jugadores buenos en perú y Bolivia no hay mas
Acá se cae a pedazos el argumento de "la nacionalidad pesa" que repiten muchos bobos con pensamientos de inferioridad
Ese 80 siempre ha sido demasiado potencial. 74/77
Cruz Azul. SIIIIIIII!😃
minimo 73 /82
Hablas de Diego Lainez? Un morro que no tiene más de 22 años? Jajajaja a la edad que tiene Lapadula va a tener muchos más goles, sin ser delantero
No he didn't carry Emmen all season. He only started performing to his normal standards since may. Was completely invisible and plain bad the first 3/4 of the season.
selfish player, annoying and frustrating to watch
El marcador favorito de los teutones.
In 38 games
People really saying he should be higher rates than 74 just because of a decent tournament he had whilst he can't even perform at the Serie A, Serie B material, 72/72
Y del máximo rival... Este compa peruano no tiene dignidad.
Que haya tenido un 'torneo' decente solo habla del mal nivel (fuera de Argentina/Brasil) de la Copa América... Hasta un gamer como Ormeño fue a jugar, no me jodan. 70/70 No es la gran mamäda
Elite player that deserve trophies, but I have no sympathies for him potentially being denied a move. Absolutely idiotic decision to sign a massive six year contract at Spurs with Daniel Levy in charge out of all fucking people
Cover Star for FIFA 22 Again 😎🔥 ICI CEST PARIS
yeah but you shouldn't have potential at that age still
Energía de mierda
71/76 , Termino jugando en un pésimo nivel, de lo peor del equipo está temporada, perdió el puesto con Brizuela
This guy will lead the Peru NT to a good run this copa america. Peru has a great keeper in Gallese, the center backs are also good like Abram, Araujo, and Santamaria, they have a beast in the right with Advincula, Trauco is also very good in the left, Tapia and Aquino in the midfield are class, and players in the attack like Carrillo, Cueva, Ruidiaz, and Guerrero (although he might be injured) are all great. Plus the coach is a genius. Good team for the Copa America this year