
Bochum legend💪
should join St. Pauli.
Fk st. pauli
please fuck off already
Sorry snowflake.. life's gunna be hard if my comment has you triggered. All I said was Everton agreed a contract and if they want to play him, then play him , just pay the fee.. It has nothing to do with Spurs.
Because chinese people can't play football
virgin xd go to eat kebab bro
The ones that were world class weren't even German lol
This page was a ghost town. Now I’m convinced y’all follow players and not an actual club. Barka boys are the biggest plastics, supporting psg, barka, Argentina, man city, and now inter lmao
Lol, funny to read all these comments about him glitching in career mode. He just glitched IRL against Dusseldorf. What a performance! //
Too shite for us maybe MLS
Because no one offered him more money than in Russia. What a stupid question.
that place is stinky ewww
Out Alaba 😡
You live in fake world,waik up.
German Democracy. He didn't do anything wrong.
Ramos, Thiago Silva, Chiellini, Bonucci, Hummels. They were better.
Man said Hummels 🤣
Stupid decision by our NT coach. No place for politics in football
german fans: "thank god- *their club best players get repeatedly sold to foreign clubs or bayern* -the 50+1 rule- *bayern wins the league 10 years in a row -exists, or german - *historic clubs get relegated because lack of funds -football would- *worst tv money redistribution amongst the top 5 leagues* -be ruined forever!"
Das einziege was frankfurt heut gemacht hat war die spieler von barcelona umholzen das war das schlimmste spiel was ich jemals gesehen habe barcelona konnte keine zwei pässe hintereinander spielen ohne von frankfurt einfach umgegrätscht zu werden der schiedsrichter dachte sich dann auch nur ach ist doch egal dembele wurde 9 mal während er gerade ins dribbling gegangen ist von hinten umgetreten ach das ist mir scheiß egal ich tu zwar so als ob ic was mache aber ne ich geb nen freistoß gelbe karten sind überbewertet
Where in Africa he is from?
What a joke of a club
Immigration fraud 56/59
I respect the idea of only using local players but it definitely is kinda "racist" that they also only buy basque players. More than anything though I don't like the way the club, similar to Barça, is so clearly tied with the independence movements and doesn't even hide it
Surprised he isn't playing for the German or French national team
The world isn't absolute because he can't do what he wants? Nobody is entitled to live in any country of his choice. If you're legally not able to come to the country you should accept that you're not welcome rather than cheating your way in. He wasn't forced out of his country by anyone and it's certainly not anyone else's obligation to take care of you if your homeland isn't safe to live in
*nice club I agree
Would have a 87/90 rating if he played in the bundesliga btw
Another case of players that are overhyped since their FIFA stats are so good. Just because he was a beast for your career mode doesn't means that he's actually that good in real life, and 84 is really too much as the level of the hispanic football has became deplorable nowadays. Before you dare to throw hate just watch the highlights of the Copa America games, it had more tackles and cuts than the NFL, in fact each 10 minutes there was a dumb fight between the sides (I'd rather to watch the WWE than Argentine or Columbia). And despite of this, the bean men are going to boast abouit this calling it "passion for the game". Ok passion merchants, keep focusing on the fists instead of the quality and you will witness how even the MLS will surpass your rumble leagues Its very probably that the salty Argies and Mexicans are going to downvote this since they are always afraid of truth, I don't care if you downvote me 50 times, the future will prove me right.
"not proven" fuck off
because, if you follow how our club make a move with the deadwoods, we tend trying hard to project these dogs value as high as it can before we throw them to bermuda triangle. This already happen with over 50% of our players since the invincibles thing (ex:theo wallpaper, campbell, you name it). Considering our unbalace squad rn, we might just call it almost a miracle we end up in 8th pos. Especially the last time we face chelsea (which they just memeing for full 90 mins). According to this miracle, we might make good forture with our current garbage headless chickens. One thing is certain, there SHOULD be big transfer flow in 21-22 or 22-23, otherwise, lets gooooo to the championship in the next 2-4 years. Sure, esr, saka, martinelli, dont expect way too much, remember we dont have real leader on the pitch and dressing room. David fking Luiz & Granit hell Xhaka, both are leader wannabe. Arteta used to be hard on the pitch, but now he seems like a woman at arsenal training ground, cant even be a karen. too soft.
get Sane off the fucking field Fuck this guy
so youre saying the the first century had 101 years?
wat? No it doesnt