Samurai Hero

Do you have anything of use to say?
I’m not asking for you to convince me. I’m asking for your source, which you haven’t been able to produce to me or anyone else, which makes me believe you’re just making shit up. And that’s not “illuminati” that’s a biblically accurate angel, specifically a Seraphim that accompanies the Throne of God.
“I know you are but what am I” That’s what you sound like. You still haven’t produced your source for that “8730%” figure, which should be easy if it was real.
No credible study has ever proven a link between vaccines and heart conditions. However, studies have proven that COVID itself exacerbates already developed, underlying heart conditions. Which is another reason to get the vaccine. Stop being stupid.
Correlation does not equal causation. There is no evidence supporting that way of thinking. Your stat is also wrong, where did you get that number from? Can you cite your source?
Again…. I’m gonna need a source. I’m not taking some random SoFifa user’s word.
I’m gonna need a source on your 8730% figure