
Hes refuses to change that radical beard Worrying
Wannabe Ajax 😂 small club
Ten Hag is the best manager Dutch football has produced in recent memory, the titles speak for themselves, the Champions League run speaks for itself, the playing style at Ajax spoke for itself and the players he developed speak for themselves as well and he has failed in the Premier League. Slot is not on the same level as Ten Hag so I do not believe he will be able to translate his success in the Eredivisie to the Premier League either. There are numerous other examples of Dutch coaches not being able to do this and you won’t even discuss them. So yes I think I have a good reason to be concerned about his appointment.
Who are the fireforks using clowns who are delaying the match? Mongoloids! Must've escaped the Pieter Baan centrum before the match.
If Feyenoord lose this 1-0 lead with 15 minutes to go, then they're shit. Whether it's AZ or Ajax losing out to NEC if NEC would win this final, Dutch football loses regardless. Would be a huge L.
Trash Minteh, trash. Any other match would've been better to get sent off you mong.
yes, he totally should come to beşiktaş his home
This sunday Pavlidis will destroy Feyenoord and send your club to dust
Feyenoord were so mad we’re getting a Liverpool legend, they went and sent a proposal for this guy
Fuck all you stupid putos turning on Santi he’s your best player in years that’s why as soon as he gets out of this shit club you’ll be in relegation zone 🖕🏿
So overrated like all PSV players will flop for playing in a real league and go back and farm in the bundesliga an other reason why AZ > PissV
Well, seems like you went from first place in the group to 3rd place in the group in 1 night. With Lazio playing Celtic and Atletico Madrid playing Feyenoord next, it's likely curtains for Feyenoord's CL dreams and you managed to mess it up in 1 game by not drawing to Lazio. This is the 2nd CL match in which you should've done better. The first one was when you gave away multiple leads against Atletico and should've not lost to them. You'd still be in a cozy CL knockoutstage seat then. It's also quite likely that Lazio and Atletico will draw in their clash. The only positive is Celtic getting slaughtered meaning you're getting 3rd place in the group, most likely. The only hope you have is that Atletico will try to beat Lazio and succeed while you guys beat Celtic and then overtake Lazio. Dutch bottlejob syndrome strikes again. PSV, Feyenoord, Ajax and AZ fucked it up again.
Feyenoord is back on earth. It was fun while it lasted (except for that one match)
Heard a lot of RKC fans say: ''Son of a whore'' against Ajax players and they also called referee Pol van Boekel an: ''Ajax fan''. Trash farmers, those specific fans.
Did his new contract contain a release clause? Or is it 20 million still?
Als je een voorsprong 2 keer weggeeft tegen een team dat niet in vorm is terwijl je beter bent en na afloop met lege handen staat, dan heb je qua resultaat ondermaats gepresteerd, zo ligt het. Ik ga morgen ook niet blij zijn als Ajax niet wint van AEK dat veel zwakker is en als AZ wéér zo'n kutprestatie levert waar het Nederlands voetbal onder komt te lijden. We kunnen onze voorsprong verliezen op Frankrijk als zij wel een goede week hebben en wij als geheel niet. De media zeiden nadat Feyenoord won van Celtic al: '' Winst Feyenoord redt Nederlands voetbal van Franse inhaalslag'' of iets van die strekking. Voor de rest interesseert 't me geen reet wat jij van mijn mening vind Isaiah.
Feyenoord fans should be more irritated than proud imo. Would be typical though for a lot of Dutch people to be more proud than annoyed. The better team but no dice. ''But...but...we're so proud!'' No! Bad, fan bad! Go to your room! Your team gave it away. This way, our teams will never keep Portugal and France behind us if ''taking part is enough of a prize''. That's some schoolboy mentality but not for professional teams like Ajax, Feyenoord, PSV and AZ in Europe. Too much depends on this year's coefficient battle and all of them most do their part. Ajax and AZ are under pressure regardless to win and since Feyenoord and PSV underperformed, they're under even more justified pressure. No mercy for them tomorrow if they fuck it up. If France has a good enough gameweek while we're having a bad week, they can leap over us this round.
Kudus too
North American 9s https://s3a.sofifa.net/b554d55099393c2e34d733cdef3193ba381be3e7.jpg
60 would be prime Kees Kwakman, Hato should be 75+
bro its ireland not ivory coast
Dest was zo kanker slecht voor Milan maar best goed voor PSV
Indeed, Feyenoord Ultra fans are known for being peaceful and life-loving, banned in Europe only every other year. As far as I'm concerned, all violent Ultra fans should be fucking thrown into prison, including your own. Holding their clubs as hostages.
Good Prospect Similar Traits to fellow Eredivisie baller Vincent Janssen. Hopefully Geminez goes onto play for big clubs like Monterrey & Antwerp also.
He started playing LW a few months ago really. He was never a proper LW in his life before that, and it was a bit of a revelation as he owned it. He's one of those that almost have no position, likes to roam around on all attacking positions. As for his speed, he's not that fast IRL either. He's like those small Asian players that seem rapid but when you look at it better, they're more like explosive but on the long run are not fast. If he moves from Dinamo to Feyenoord, he's a complete moron. A club better than Dinamo, but still mostly lame for the last few decades. Any half decent club from league 5 would be OK though. Ajax being the only huge club in the Netherlands would also be a good choice I guess.
They will say he's the best in the world lmao, most of them are deluded. Yes, he is a good player, athletic and strong, good on the ball but not that much in attack. CB/RB hybrid. Hancko is the best defender they have though. If Geertruida was THAT amazing he would be scouted for big and better clubs other than Leipzig.
He's getting overrated
Will be an amazing Jude replacement until he has to wear the rainbow captain's armband one day
Hoeveel clubs uit het zuiden ( met name zuid-oosten) van NL zitten er wel niet in de Eredivisie en KKK-Divisie? MVV, VVV, Roda, Fortuna etc. Kunnen we die niet gewoon laten fuseren i.pv. dat haasje-over gezeik met al die tegenvallende jojo-clubs, die allemaal uit dezelfde vijver vissen, daarover klagen, er net in slagen te promoveren, ontzettend slecht zijn in de Eredivisie en dan degraderen en een paar jaar niet in de KKK-Divisie komen? Stabielere clubs graag! Sporting Limburg s.v.p! Wil graag nog een club op 't niveau van AZ, een stabiele subtopper, zien zijn en dat kan niet met al die kleine kutclubjes. Als we een stabielere top 6 of top 8 willen hebben, zoals in Engeland, dan moeten er meer clubs aansluiten bij Ajax, Feyenoord, PSV, AZ en Twente want de rest is te slecht, te wisselvallig (Vitesse, Utrecht, Heerenveen etc) en een fusie van meerdere clubjes die in dezelfde vijver vissen is alleen maar goed voor onze, Europese score. Het land is te klein voor zoveel clubs.
Shame that he goes to a club with fans that have 0 respect. Best of luck to him though
never ask: - a man his salary - a woman her age - Geertruida which Islamic terrorist organization he supports (Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, al-Qaeda)
Hahaha the only season they are winning in 5 years and everyone is support them, bunch of plastics, you will be in Ajax's shadows for the next 50 years after your title hahaha
Feyenoord's captain doesn't only represent himself but the club as well. Feyenoord has a certain reputation going against them. Certain parts of Feyenoord's fanbase suffer from a serious form of homophobia. On top of that, Feyenoord's captain essentially says: ''That OneLove armband that stands for tolerance, is not something I want to wear.'' This comes down to Islam's lack of tolerance against LHBTIQ+ people. One would hope that the board asks themselves: ''Can we allow our captain, who refuses to wear an armband that stands for tolerance, to remain the captain?'' Trauner should be made captain in my opinion. That still means that Kokcu doesn't have to wear that armband if he doesn't want to and that Feyenoord respects that decision but it will come at the cost of being Feyenoord's captain. Of course, people would then think it's ridiculous that Kokcu's captaincy would be revoked. However, it shouldn't be the case that when all is good and fine, Kokcu is the captain and when the going gets tough, he isn't the captain because he only wants the benefits and not the burdens. 4:05 minutes into the video, they start talking about Kokcu's opinion that stems from the middle ages and they end it at 5:25. It is Dutch spoken though. https://www.bd.nl/video/productie/sjoerd-mossou-standpunt-van-orkun-kokcu-is-middeleeuws-334468
A part of Feyenoord's supporters suddenly saw Kokcu as a ''freedom of speech fighter''. ''A rebel who stood up against the woke community and the ''oppressive government/KNVB''. Fuck off you anti-establishment retards! You're making it sound as if we're a communist, oppressive society here as if we're China, Russia, Belarus, North-Korea or something. This is not the situation in which the ''fight the power'' nonsense is necessary. Use that phrase, mindset and behavior when our government keeps the prices of living costs as high as they are for poor and middle level incomes or when our government keeps on acting after problems have already occurred and one damage while they need to be pro-active instead to prevent these things. That's when you use anti-establishment, not for something as simple as a campaign used as a sign of tolerance. The controversy surrounding the OneLove campaign has overshadowed the message to such a ridiculous degree that the message itself, which was meant well, has been ruined. Fuck the overly woke community who want to please everyone and be everyone's bitch and fuck the overly anti-woke community even more who use their anti-establishment nonsense in the wrong situation that doesn't require it. Just get into the more sane middle-ground please. Goddamn, some people man. No wonder this country is slowly going to shit. https://s3a.sofifa.net/d3ee6aaab11d938d2b7edfa3511c717ca82fae7e.jpg
Green link with jankto