Stevie G

Even when he’s unfit he’s still United’s best centerback
Only difference between him and Lewandowski is that Edi shows up in big games
Impossible to understand how this guy can still play with a top club and with the French National Team, he is so poor technically.. Deschamps and Mourinho are ennemies of football
just like son. a baller skill wise, but a potato in the head... He needs to be smarter to become world class
Fred (Man Utd) and Fabinho (Liverpool) are way better than this fraud
finally a real french
Future England captain ngl 80/90
so r u :) x
74/74, good crosser and that is all. Would be a decent defender as well if he wasn't slow as fuck
him this season
him or Alexander Arnold?
Late season preview overall from a saints fan here. Here’s my opinion on what I’ve seen this season from all players. GK: McCarthy 75/75, he has his Great moments, but lacks conviction and never tries to save any rebounds which is frustrating. Forster 76/76, his distribution is all over the place, but his reflex’s have been fantastic at times, and seemingly dominates his box Lewis N/A, hasn’t played in the first team at all, apparently he’s not very good. Gunn 72/72, loaned to stoke, he’s had a very mediocre season there, and I don’t think he will fit back in very well here. RB/RWB Walker-peters 78/83, has shown tremendous energy, skill and composure throughout the season. He’s consistently good despite the fact his defensive positioning can raise questions at times. Valery 70/78, loaned to Birmingham. Noticeably has dangerous crossing and dribbling, but his defending is all over the place. LB/LWB: Vokins 63/75. Loaned to Sunderland I can’t see him coming through for us next season, but he has something in him still Bertrand 74/74. Hasn’t been too good this season, will be released. CB: Vestergaard 77/78. Painfully slow, but absolutely brilliant in aerial battles, defending skill is average from him. Bednarek 75/80. Similar to Vestergaard, but he’s less dominating in the air, and has had a horrific season poor lad. Stephens 75/77, I’m willing to say, he has definitely come through when we needed him, but makes several errors that could one day cost us again. Salisu 78/86, Really, really exciting and promising. His composure and balance is something else when it comes to tackling. Tchapchet N/A, hasn’t featured in the first team. Hoedt loaned in Italy. 71/72 Has had a very poor season I’ve heard. Poor player overall CDM/CM/CAM Ward-prowse 81/84, incredibly industrious, fit and has excellent passing skill. Good finisher as well, and defending isn’t too bad either. Romeu 79/79, his pace and dribbling rating is arse, should be much higher. He reads situations like a book. Very strong and solid Diallo 73/80, like many players, his positioning is very questionable, yet his short passing too. But he seems promising, very solid, pacy and has good power and defending overall. Smallbone 70/82, suffered an awful injury, but really promising signs from his lad. Such great composure, control and balance. Jankewitz 64/80, honestly ignoring that Man Utd game, he’s definitely promising, but wants to leave so he can get game time elsewhere. Watts 64/81, similar to jankewitz, very promising, showed excellent dribbling and skill in the FA cup game. Slattery, N/A loaned out: hasn’t been playing first team for nearly two years now. Lemina 74/75, loaned to Fulham, he did okay for Fulham and definitely has something in him, but never uses it Hesketh N/A, will be released soon O’Connor, N/A also being released I believe Ferry N/A, never seen him play RM/LM/RW/LW Armstrong 80/80. Has been consistently very good, can adapt to central midfield too. Deserves upgrades in all regions Walcott 75/75 He offers not very much on field, but he has enthusiasm and is still very very pacy Redmond 69/70. His decision making is atrocious, he’s a good dribbler, but lacks any kind of end product whatsoever. Djenepo 74/82, I would say EA got this one bang on right. Good control, dribbling and balance from this lad. Tella 71/83, very very promising. Such a baller. Elyonoussi 72/73, has done well for Celtic, but I don’t see too much in him. Like vestergaard, he lacks pace CF/ST Ings 83/83. Immense natural finisher. Has developed good defending too, and has turned into a team player. Adams 75/80, shaky yo yo player. But overall I see a good player in there. Long 73/73 loaned to Bournemouth. hasn’t done too badly for them Obafemi 69/83. Like tella and smallbone, very promising. Still only 20 years old, very strong and quick. N’Lundula 65/74, seems okay. Scored against Shrewsbury. But he’s now 22 yrs old, and has to start showing good signs
86 rated wtf, should be 83 or 84 maximum
if ramos and varane leaves madrid then he should be the new cb next to alaba
Dude peaked wayyyyyy too early.
Ladies and Gentlemen, (i know its an unpopular opinion but) welcome to the SoFifa page of the most overrated player in the world. His stats are garbage, he is playing like garbage and he gets even worse over the last years. To be fair, he shares this first overrated-place with the boys Paulo Dybala and Gabriel Jesus. Those 3 players would be rated 81 or less if they wouldn't play at big clubs or if they were not overhyped so much in the past. Change my mind, I'm out and I will copy to the other 2 profiles as well.
Better than Bruno
Most have been better than Trent this season.
Way more reliable than Trent
Love to see him at chelsea is the exact player we’d need with kante
He’s not a big talent but 77/84 is fairly deserved
what he did deserves sanction. if a white boy did that he would be sanctioned without hesitation. Equality for all.
It wouldn’t be exaggerated to say that he is the best RB in the world
Sterling is a system player. Pepe, saka and Martinelli possess better end product. Sterling has the best movement but he’s 27 and gonna cost us a ton for a guy who isn’t an upgrade on what we got
Southampton without Van Dijk in 2014/15 = 33 GA Southampton with Van Dijk in 2015/16 = 41 GA The best defender in the Premier League conceced 7 goals against Aston Villa
You made the assumption and a snide comment because his name didn't look Irish? That is equally as racist as saying it because the colour of his skin. And the "typical Irish youngster" remark is clearly some sarcastic dig at the Irish which again doesnt paint you in the best light. You may not be a racist but those type of comments are and for you to not see that is ignorance .... go educate yourself and do better
You guys couldn't even win the French league.... like mate you're embarrassing yourself😂😂😂
Bruno Henrique make him shine, without him he would be playing on Ponte Preta or Arsenal de Sarandi.
I'll do a realist market for Juve: IN Depay for free, 10M contract Jerome Boateng for free, 7,5M contract Icardi on loan for 15M and 50 to buy it in 2022 Freuler for 20M Hysay for 10M OUT Ronaldo (che ci manda a fanculo e ci da del club di merda stile Dani Alves) for free to Man UTD Dybala for free or 10M to Manchester City De Ligt for 70M to Barca Arthur for 40M to PSG Sandro for 20M to PSG Morata back to Aletico Oh and yes a new contract for 10M to Ramsey and Chiellini and 5M for Pirlo that will lead the team also next year.
Bakker is better
Prime Vidal>Prime Gerrard
Don’t let it slip
78, 81
pussy snowflake. in millwall ends we all beat the fuck out of you stange little libtard types and other black lovers
being aware of the obvious genetical differences between races, and not acting like they didn't exist
He is really good but he is not La Liga defender. In Spain CBs are basically game builders so their passin, ball distribution is equally important. That is where he fails. In Serie A he would be excellent right now. Imagine him in Milan or Roma or Lazio right now, entire team would jump a level...
It's hard giving Henderson a rating, he's our most important midfielder but not even our 3rd best technically.
really? let's ask Chadmin if it really isn't allowed oh wait, Chadmin is a race realist (aka racist) too? well, tough luck buddy hahaahahaha
1. there literally isn't 2. "muh hate 😭😭😭😭 admin please help me I'm literally crying and shaking rn 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭" tears in your eyes, domesticated joke of a man
"noooooooooo I can't handle free speech please help me out admin noooooooooooooooooooooo" pussy
END racism against whites!
Focus on getting your first meal of the week instead of being on a chat site, broke ass Favela bitch
You are
Can’t believe people are upvoting this fucking clown
Some crybabies in this page lol
damn I wonder why you people still live in favelas 😂😂😂
Chelsea should of brought him except from Mendy Agree=upvote disagree=downvote
ricardo horta is clear currently
🤣 nice joke
what a dogshit player that is
Clearly you don't know he just played like an attacking fullback. Davies played LB against Barcelona but by your logic he plays LW since he's high up the pitch...
Get the fuck out of my club, stupid cunt!
2nd best asian player of all time after park ji sung
Maybe in Monaco you could find a girlfriend to get out of your room at once, although I don't think that's "realistic"
White trash
He's playing as a RB but his natural position is RM.
I love Trent, but he just isn't good enough defensively to keep that right back position. His future is definitely in midfield where his creativity can truly flourish.